Start A New Path
Come and be a part of the Zoe Community, where you’ll discover a practical path towards holistic well-being. Join or start a home fellowship group to begin your holistic health journey.
Change Your Life
Can you picture yourself as an integral member of a health-focused small group that meets weekly with a clear sense of purpose? Envision a gathering where you join others for scripture study, prayer, and a health-promoting potluck. This is a group where you’ll discover the physical advantages and spiritual strength derived from practices like fasting, meditation, worship, and observing Sabbath rest.
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Well Hello!
Thanks for visiting. What do you believe about health? Are you confused by the ever-increasing noise around physical health and food? Do you want to nourish your body to be resilient to disease and illness, or are you driven by appetite for unhealthy, highly processed, and disease-promoting foods? Many of us established disease-promoting patterns of eating in our childhoods. If you are ready for change, let me help you to set goals and discover what your body needs to become healthy and resistant to lifestyle diseases and pathogens.
I offer clients experiential knowledge as I educate them about the relationship between functional nutrition and their health. I am healthier today than in my 20s, 30s, or 40s. Before my midlife career change, I dealt with three autoimmune diseases while functioning in my very stressful role as a bank manager. I spent thousands of dollars seeing different practitioners trying to overcome the symptoms of my three autoimmune diseases. After returning to college to study functional nutrition, I finally understood how to use food as a medicine. Due to my experiences, I am a passionate advocate for client education.
Empirical Science has proven that the mind-body-spirit connection is real and powerful. For example, the Science of epigenetics demonstrates that we pass our emotional inclinations to our offspring, similar to our physical DNA. I encourage clients to look after themselves holistically, which allows them to become their best and authentic selves and pass that on to our children.
Are you ready? The mission of Zoe Mentor Ministries LLC is to build an authentic connection with clients and encourage health-promoting home fellowship groups. Utilizing nutritional response testing and functional labs, I assess nutritional status and educate clients about their biology and current dietary status. Together using data, we set achievable, measurable, and livable goals.
I encourage my clients to build a network of functional, supportive relationships around themselves. We need one another, and honestly, we are better together.