Zoe FAQ’s Page 


Is Zoe Mentor Ministry LLC a religion?


Zoe Mentor Ministry LLC is not a religion. Zoe is the Greek word for life, as in the whole life; Life of the spirit (awareness of God), the life of the soul (awareness of self), and life of the body (awareness of senses). As Tripartite beings, wellness encompasses all three. Just like the law of gravity, there are universal physical and spiritual laws. When people are out of balance with these laws – disease develops.  Utilizing truth principles from the Bible and science as a catalyst, Zoe hopes to promote holistic life transformations within the community members. 


 What should I expect?


 Depending on what your personal goals are and how you choose to work with me. I offer both one on one and group appointments. My goal is to make holistic health affordable and accessible to everyone. The human body is intelligently designed by God to maintain homeostasis. It is governed by non-negotiable rules, but also highly adaptable. When we continuously lead a lifestyle that injures the mind, body, and spirit it eventually loses its ability to adapt and diseases develop. The good news is in most cases the body is very forgiving and able to heal given the appropriate, nourishment, lifestyle changes, and supplementation.


Is Zoe Mentor Ministry LLC a non-profit?


Zoe Mentor Ministries LLC is not a nonprofit, however, 10% of profits are set aside to help clients who are struggling financially. Additionally, Teresa does not want cost to become a barrier, and on a case-by-case bases waives her service cost for referrals from active clients.